New Self Found

Mazen Khaddaj in Dubai: ‘New Self Found’ curated by Maie El-Hage

‘New Self Found’ Art Exhibition by Mazen Khaddaj curated by Maie El-Hage at Urbanist Art Gallery on 20 September in Dubai.

Urbanist Art Gallery is proud to present Lebanese-German artist Mazen Khaddaj’s first solo show in Dubai ‘New Self Found’ curated by art historian Maie El-Hage. The opening will take place at the gallery on Wednesday 20 September 2023 in the presence of the artist and the curator.

‘New Self Found’ brings together two eras in the artist’s life and career; a series of paintings created in Berlin and exhibited for the first time, exclusively, in Dubai. The two collections included in the exhibition are ‘Lost & Found (2021-2022)’ which the artist painted during the difficult years of the pandemic and the loss of his beloved father, and ‘New Self (2023)’ which the artist painted after a revitalizing visit to his native Lebanon. This new era in his life, in which he reconnects with his roots and makes peace with his identity as a Lebanese-German in Berlin, is celebrated in ‘New Self Found’.

Maie El-Hage profile photo

The curator, Maie El-Hage. Lebanese art historian and architect.

Mazen Khaddaj profile photo

The artist, Mazen Khaddaj. Lebanese-German artist based in Berlin.

“‘New Self Found’ represents the beginning of a new era in my life, after the end of another era,” the artist shares. “What is noticeable in this collection is the colors and the outlines. My colors have clearly changed. There is almost a cut in the color palette (between the previous era and the current one), and I introduced new colors that seemed to have appear from nowhere. However, these colors really have emerged because of the new inner peace I have arrived at in my life.”

“Mazen has consolidated his identity as a German citizen and a Lebanese national,” the curator explains. “In his new works, we witness a blossoming of his inner peace and tranquility. His choice of color and abstract shapes explore different subject matters in a playful, and in fact free, way. The pieces bring delight to the viewer, as one clearly understands he/she is in the presence of a celebration.”


The exhibition opening is scheduled for Wednesday 20 September 2023 at 5pm, in the presence of the artist and the curator. The gallery will be hosting an Artist Talk event on Saturday 23 September 2023, and the show continues until 10 October 2023.

We look forward to welcoming you at the opening!

Follow Urbanist Art Gallery on Instagram here.

Follow the author Maie El-Hage on Instagram here.

Follow the artist Mazen Khaddaj on Instagram here.