
Getting to Know Antonio Pauciulo

Antonio Pauciulo is a contemporary Italian artist currently residing in Leipzig, Germany. His most recent body of work (2014 – 2019) includes several series that circumvent traditional, formal representations of human figures and human experience. Indeed, it is the artist’s intent, rather, to bridge the gap between a subject’s inner world and outer world; this process is known as ‘creative apperception’. Pauciulo explores this concept in various ways. His “array” series presents enlarged outlines of human heads, no representation of apparent human features, and a medley of colors and spatula-work, integrating and expressing sensitive colors and patterns. The viewer is immersed in a color-field that explodes and provokes an emotional, introverted reaction. The “BAS painting” series also includes a recognizable outline, full-figures rather than profiles. Within these outlines, the artist explores “artificial fields” through spatula-work, colors and patterns, that challenge what the viewer believes to initially recognize in the work. The effect on the viewer is, again, introspective, which is the artist’s intention: “My ambition is to provoke an encounter between a person and a painting” (AP, 2017).

“My ambition is to provoke an encounter between a person and a painting” Antonio Pauciulo


Pauciulo’s art has many messages. On one hand, the artist is giving back to the viewer “something human” in a contemporary world that is losing humanity. On the other hand, there is an ecologic and “post-human” dimension to the work. In either case, Pauciulo’s paintings do offer a visual experience that is existential, but especially aimed at creating new human narratives.

Pauciulo is currently working on a new series of figures that are painted on an elliptical, three-dimensional surface. He began this exploration with his “yon painting” series, which are also three-dimensional and suspended in space. This body of work proposes an interactive experience for the viewers.


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“The ‘array’ series constitutes a large body of work which documents the journey of my cultural references, from the romanticism of the early works to the actual ecologic and post-human sight.” Antonio Pauciulo