Mazen Khaddaj Artworks
Mazen’s paintings are a play between textures and color, transparency, and flatness. His work manifests human thought and interaction through figuration.
Semaan Khawam Artworks
Semaan's work encompasses both painting and sculpture, in addition to graffiti and poetry, that addresses contemporary issues such as migration and identity.
Louma Rabah Artworks
Louma uses art to freely express her inner beliefs by capturing and beautifying that which surrounds her.
Myriam Ghali Artworks
Having won four research and study grants from Italy and France, Myriam was able to fulfill her artistic curiosity and creativity by exploring new techniques and fields of study.
Antonio Pauciulo Artworks
Antonio's body of work includes several series that circumvent traditional, formal representations of human figures and human experience.
Ralph El-Hajj Artworks
RALPH EL-HAJJ ARTWORKS Prices upon Request Contact: WhatsApp (+961) 76911772 or Email
Antonello Ghezzi artworks
Cielo Stellato by Antonello Ghezzi is now showing in Beirut. Get in touch to learn more.